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WIDA Assessment & Key Language Uses

WIDA integrates the Key Language Uses along with all four KLUs. The four KLUs uses are Narrate, Inform, Explain, and Argue. All KLUs are present in every subject at every grade level and is tied to WIDA’s Mode of Communication.

WIDA Assessments

Multilingual teachers can set reaching expectations for their multilingual students, accelerate English language acquisition, and ensure equity for all of their students – especially when it comes to WIDA Readiness and WIDA Assessments. The WIDA Consortium is a member-based organization made up of U.S. states, territories, and federal agencies dedicated to the research, design, and implementation of a high-quality, standards-based system for K-12 Multilingual Learners.
Intervene K-12 Language Development is evidence-based and tied to WIDA.
Ensure your K–12 Multilingual Learners are making steady progress toward their English Language Proficiency Growth Goals throughout the year and are prepared for Fall and Spring testing with the Connect to Literacy™ online Review and Readiness program.
Intervene K-12 Provides WIDA Readiness in all four domains within Interpretive/Expressive Modes.

Intervene K-12 & WIDA Assessments

Is adaptive to all learners through Individualized Language Learning Plans (ILLPs)

Provides Autoscoring—including enhanced AI for Speaking Items

Offers Embedded WIDA Readiness Speaking and Writing Rubrics
Was created to differentiate across The 6 WIDA Grade bands: K, 1, 2-3, 4-5, 6-8, 9-12

Is organized around the 4 Key Language Uses: Narrate, Inform, Explain, Argue

With interactive, engaging video lessons written for all multilingual learners in WIDA States and the Proficiency Level Descriptors (PLDs) at six different grade bands, covering all WIDA standards, Connect to Literacy supports growth in all four domains with just 30-60 minutes of practice a week.

Developed specifically for WIDA Readiness, and including grade-level benchmarks, Connect to Literacy offers more than 2,000 practice items modeled after Expressive item types. Using Connect to Literacy, Multilingual Learners from Beginning to Advanced High will develop their vocabulary and practice speaking and writing in a supported online environment designed to accelerate English language acquisition and prepare students. Through audio and video Expressive practice assessments, students actively engage with English and build language proficiency.
Speaking Practice Items
Students will practice speaking using a variety of prompts based on proficiency level. All speaking items include Lesson Model Videos to guide students and Model Exemplar recordings for students to listen to after they submit their recordings. Every answer is recorded so that teachers can listen to the responses, rate them using the interactive speaking rubric, and provide coaching to guide student growth.
Writing Practice Items
Students will practice speaking using a variety of prompts based on proficiency level. All speaking items include Lesson Model Videos to guide students and Model Exemplar recordings for students to listen to after they submit their recordings. Every answer is recorded so that teachers can listen to the responses, rate them using the interactive speaking rubric, and provide coaching to guide student growth. Connect to Literacy guides English learners through the process of completing five practice writing activities during the fall semester that mimic the official test writing samples that will be completed in the second semester. First, students prepare using Connect to Literacy’s writing skill-building activities, mini-lessons and examples. The Connect to Literacy Writing course includes Writing Skills and Grammar lessons covering 100% of the new WIDA standards. This gives teachers the lessons, practice items, and assessments to help students prepare for their exams. Students gain authentic practice and feedback during the school year through writing papers using each of the four WIDA Writing genres along with developing Key Language Uses:
  • Narrate: conveys experiences through stories;
  • Inform: conveys factual information by describing, comparing, contrasting, and categorizing ideas or phenomena;
  • Explain: expresses knowledge about how things work or why things happen;
  • Argue: supports claims, ideas, or solutions using evidence and reasoning.
Also, part of WIDA’s mission is to increase accessibility options for students and emphasize multimodal forms of communication.
Expressive ILLP Example An Expressive ILLP (Individual Language Learning Pathway) will automatically be created after both the Speaking and Writing tests are submitted. The ILLP will meet the unique language development needs of each ELL student based on their results.
WIDA Reading Readiness
The Connect to Literacy online Reading and Writing program provides structured skills practice to help students become proficient readers and writers and prepare for success on their exams. With its easy-to-use interface designed for students with limited English proficiency, Connect to Literacy can be used independently by students at home or at school. Comprehensive reporting enables teachers to monitor students’ progress and provide support remotely or in person. The Connect to Literacy Reading Course includes content differentiated at 6 grade-bands to mimic grade-level differentiation and provide you with an accurate predictor of test outcomes.
WIDA Listening Readiness
Students will practice listening using a variety of prompts – differentiated based on proficiency level and modeled after test item types. All listening items include Lesson Model Videos to guide students and Model Exemplar recordings for students to listen to after they submit their recordings. Every answer is recorded so that teachers can listen to the responses, rate them using the interactive rubric, and provide coaching to guide student growth. Connect to Literacy provides listening items for all proficiency levels, modeled after test item types so that students become confident in listening, comprehending, and responding to English in a variety of ways. All Listening item types include Lesson modeling videos to guide student practices.
Interpretive ILLP
An Interpretive ILLP (Individual Language Learning Pathway) will automatically be created after both the Reading and Listening tests are submitted. The ILLP will meet the unique language development needs of each ELL student based on their results.

The Connect to Literacy online English Language Proficiency Standards Mastery Course covers 12 areas of foundational language development to build proficiency in all four language domains. This interactive, engaging program provides more than 23,000 grade—and language proficiency-level activities for students to learn and practice their English language skills. Used along with the Connect to Literacy Listening-Speaking and Reading-Writing programs, you can accelerate language acquisition for your Multilingual Learners and prepare them for success on their exams.

12 Comprehensive WIDA Readiness Mastery Course Skill Building
Modules</b >

Teachers unlock the skill building modules they want students to work on. Built for WIDA Readiness, students listen to words and phrases and record themselves speaking them back, practice using words such as abstract nouns, and listen to sentences and practice writing them, and much more.

Embedded Artificial Intelligence (AI)

Several WIDA Readiness modules include embedded AI to automatically rate student pronunciation and writing skills while providing automatic feedback to students to promote self-efficacy and mastery while accelerating the learning process.

WIDA Assessment & Readiness Rubrics

Within the WIDA Standards Framework for instruction and assessment for ELLs lies the ELD Standards for kindergarten through grade 12. The ELD Standards divide the continuum of language development into six proficiency levels.

WIDA’s rubrics are in order from the highest to the lowest.

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