Tutoring is becoming increasingly effective with the emergence of big-data and algorithms. When you think of algorithms, our education system probably isn’t the first thing that comes to mind, but they are becoming an increasingly important part of 21st century education.
To put it simply: data-driven tutoring is using the power of technology to calculate what students struggle with, so teachers don’t have to guess.
Technology allows educational institutions to have greater insight into their students’ learning and to create customized curriculum and tutoring instruction. Data-driven tutoring is a collaborative effort between K-12 school systems and tutoring programs that’s helping thousands of students improve their academic performance.
The basic concept of data-driven tutoring is a three step process:
- Collecting student data: Gathering student’s information from online assessments and tests to gain insights into students’ performance, such as where they are struggling or excelling.
- Analyzing student data: Creating insights into student data that allow for K-12 tutors to understand student patterns and areas of weakness.
- Bringing it all together: Using these insights to create personalized tutoring strategies for a student’s learning style and skill deficits.
With data at the fingertips of leaders in education, K-12 students have more support than ever before to succeed.
Every student learns and absorbs information differently, and they shouldn’t be penalized for that. With data-driven tutoring, tutors are able to understand where students are having learning gaps and customize each student’s experience to ensure they excel in school.
How Intervene K-12 Use Data-Driven Tutoring
Data + Tutoring = Growth
Intervene K-12 is a pioneer in RTI, using technology to drive research-based online instruction in the classroom. These programs combine student data with tutoring support to improve academic outcomes.
Solutions at Intervene K-12 include: Live and online small group tutoring, data-dash assessments for teachers, specialized English Learner support, and TELPAS Pro™ assessment to prepare students for the Texas English Language Proficiency Assessment System (TELPAS).
Data-driven and high-dosage tutoring allows the team to analyze student skill deficits, differentiate lesson plans, and group K-12 students into small groups with similar gaps in learning.
Our Results with Data-Driven Tutoring
Intervene K-12 has impacted 30,000+ students and helped students obtain a 79% pass rate in state standardized tests. Our students have seen an average 30% growth rate with data-driven tutoring.
You can learn more about Intervene-K12 here.