Special Populations Support

Intervene K-12 supports special populations through live virtual tutoring instruction requires a tailored approach that addresses students’ unique needs.We provide accommodation, and engagement strategies.

We Provide Support Services Across the Continuum for High-Incidence Disabilities. 

Special Education

Students with Individualized Education Program (IEP) . Speech/Language Impairment (SLI). Specific Learning Disability- Reading/Math (SLD). Emotional Disturbance (ED). Other Health Impairment (OHI). Dyslexia/ 504.Students with Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD). Transition Programming (at every level).
Covid-19 Compensatory Services.

  • Specially designed grade-level reading and math content in the least restrictive environment (LRE)
  • Deeper understanding of the learning objective with both remediation and acceleration based on data.
  • Embedded Accommodations with Universal Design for Learning (UDL)
  • Social Emotional Academic Learning

English Learners /Multilingual Learners

Students with Interrupted Formal Education (SIFE). Newcomers: Asylum-seekers. Recent Immigrants. Refugee. Migrant. Long-term English Learners (LTEL).

  • Tutorial Instruction & Content support is provided to support and ensure that student’s English proficiency is included in their support.
  • Spanish/Bilingual online small group tutoring/intervention: Allows students with the same language and similar misconceptions to join an online whiteboard session with a Spanish tutor.
  • Spanish tutors/interventionist
  • Spanish data driven lessons: Lesson’s with academic and language objectives based on student benchmarks.
  • Differentiated instruction so we can meet students where they are and support the individual learning styles.

Gifted & Talented

We support students identified as gifted learners, including dually-identified students.

Gifted and talented tutoring support plays a crucial role in nurturing the unique abilities and potential of exceptional learners. These tutoring programs are designed to provide tailored instruction and enrichment activities that align with the advanced skills and interests of gifted students. By offering challenging and stimulating learning experiences, gifted and talented tutoring helps students deepen their knowledge, develop critical thinking skills, and pursue their academic passions with greater depth and complexity. Furthermore, these programs often foster a supportive and engaging environment where gifted learners can collaborate with like-minded peers, fostering a sense of community and shared intellectual curiosity. 

Priority Populations

Black Student Achievement Program & Latino Student Achievement Program (BSAP/LSAP)

  • The BSAP/LSAP addresses the need for culturally responsive curriculum and instruction as the classroom norm, fosters partnerships with community based organizations with proven track records of success within the Black/Latino community and provides increased staffing support to address the academic and social-emotional needs of Black/Latino students.
  • Core Content Support.
  • Black & Latino excellent themes including personal financial literacy, mindset, college and career and leadership.

McKinney Vento. Economically Disadvantaged. Grade Repair. Credit Recover.
Priority Populations.

Specialized Learners

Supporting special populations through live virtual tutoring instruction requires a tailored approach that addresses students’ unique needs. We provide accommodation, and engagement strategies.

Here’s how we effectively support special populations in a virtual tutoring setting:

  • Individualized Instruction: We recognize that each learner may have different strengths, weaknesses, and learning styles. Our tutors tailor instruction to accommodate individual needs, whether it’s providing additional explanations, modifying lessons, and offering alternative learning resources.
  • Accommodations: We ensure that the virtual platform used for tutoring supports accommodations for learners. Additionally, we regularly provide a variety of Individualized Education Plan (IEP) accommodations.
  • Clear Communication: Our curriculum emphasizes clear and concise language during tutoring sessions, with visual aids or demonstrations on the virtual whiteboard to support understanding. Through the Gradual Release of Responsibility, we break down complex concepts into smaller, more manageable chunks, and encourage students to ask questions for clarification.
  • Engagement Strategies: Throughout each lesson our goal is to keep learners engaged by incorporating interactive activities, such as quizzes, and discussions, into the tutoring sessions. We encourage active participation by prompting students to unmute and share their thoughts, opinions, and experiences related to the topic being discussed.
  • Cultural Sensitivity: Culturally Responsive Pedagogy provides a baseline for respecting cultural differences while being mindful of language barriers that may impact communication. We provide opportunities for students to express themselves and incorporate diverse perspectives into instruction.
  • Collaboration with Support Services: We work closely with support services, such as special education teachers, counselors, and therapists, as needed to ensure that the needs of special populations are adequately addressed. As districts are open, we can collaborate on individualized education plans (IEPs) goals or 504 plans to outline specific accommodations and support strategies.
  • Feedback and Reflection: Through a proprietary survey tool, we solicit feedback from students and tutors regularly to assess the effectiveness of our tutoring approach and make necessary adjustments. Through tutor feedback, and ongoing data review, our team reflects on our practices and provides professional development opportunities to enhance our instructor’s ability to support special populations effectively.


By implementing these strategies, we create a supportive and inclusive learning environment that empowers special populations to thrive in virtual tutoring settings.